Creatrix by WA Poets Inc. (WAPoets) is one of our most successful and longest-running online magazines.
We are for original and unpublished* poems preferred of up to 60 lines, of any theme, and HAIKU poetry for an opportunity to be published in our quarterly online magazine and to win our annual Creatrix prizes and also a chance to be published in the Creatrix anthology book released once every 3 years.
Submissions for poetry are only accepted from financial WA Poets Inc members.
To become a member click here.
Submissions for haiku are open to all persons interested in haiku (please read the guidelines below before submitting).
Submission Closing Dates
Deadlines for submissions is midnight (Perth, Western Australia time) on the following dates:
- 10th February for the March issue
- 10th May for the June issue
- 10th August for the September issue
- 10th November for the December issue
WA Poets Inc and Creatrix do not assume liability for copyright infringement or failure to acknowledge previously published work. Rights revert to the author upon publication. WA Poets Inc and Creatrix reserve the right to post any accepted work on its web page or in print form.
Copyright of material in Creatrix remains with individual contributors and cannot be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the authors. Copyright of the anthology remains with the publisher, WA Poets Publishing.
Creatrix Poetry Submission Guidelines
We are looking for good quality, well-crafted poetry; there is no guarantee that submitted poems will be accepted.
Failure to adhere to the guidelines will result in your submission being rejected.
- We accept a maximum of TWO unpublished and original poems per poet (unpublished refers to poems that have NOT appeared in print or online as part of an electronic journal or poetry blog that specialises in publishing other people’s poetry).
- Each poem must be submitted as a separate Microsoft Word OR pdf document attachment.
- Theme is open. (no theme)
- A maximum of 60 lines, though less is preferred.
- Entries must be formatted using 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Line spacing for submissions to be single-spaced.
- Each submitted poem must have a title (at the top).
- Please DO NOT include any names, material or cover page that could identify you as the author in the submission document/s. Kindly verify the submission documents for this before uploading. Submission/s will be disqualified if you compromise this.
Currently, we cannot pay contributors, but your poetry will be showcased.
Selectors: for poetry are by invitation from the following; Peter Jeffery OAM, Anne Dyson, Sue Clennell, Chris Palazzolo, Veronica Lake, Chris Arnold, Flora Smith, Jan Napier and Mike Greenacre.
Submissions Manager: Jaya Penelope
Founding members of Creatrix Online Poetry Journal: Peter Jeffery, Andrew Burke, Maureen Sexton, Veronica Lake and Jeremy Balius.
Creatrix Haiku and Senryu Submission Guidelines
Haiku selectors: Rose van Son, Coral Carter, Barry Sanbrook and Gary De Piazzi.
To avoid disappointment, please follow the submission guidelines.
Failure to adhere to the guidelines may result in your submission being rejected.
Haiku and Senryu Submission Guidelines
- Publication submissions are accepted from all persons interested in writing haiku and senryu.
- Submissions of up to EIGHT haiku/senryu per person are accepted for each issue.
- All haiku and senryu must be unpublished and the author’s original work (unpublished refers to haiku that have NOT appeared in print or online as part of an electronic journal or poetry blog that specialises in publishing other people’s haiku).
- All Haiku poems up to a maximum of eight (8) can be submitted as in one Microsoft Word OR PDF document attachment.
- Entries must be formatted using 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Line spacing for submissions to be single-spaced.
- Please DO NOT include any names, material or cover page that could identify you as the author in the submission document/s. Kindly verify the submission documents for this before uploading. Submission/s will be disqualified if you compromise this.
Elements of an Acceptable Haiku and Senryu
- Brevity is the key in haiku. Around 12 syllables or less is ideal, but we accept up to 17 syllables. Every word should have an impact, unnecessary words should be removed.
- Three lines are the most common setting in the English language haiku but we will also consider 1, 2 and 4-line haiku.
- Preferably does not use poetic tools like intentional end rhyme, overt similes or metaphors, clichés, etc. Nor do haiku use capital letters, except for proper nouns. Don’t try to be ‘clever’ or ‘abstract’. Keep it simple and straightforward.
- Captures a moment in time, a powerful image, therefore must be written in present tense.
- Preferably infers an awe or a reverence of nature and uses a nature reference, however, we also accept senryu. Senryu emphasize human foibles and may be humorous.
- Relates to the senses.
- Haiku ideally have two parts, usually as a fragment and a phrase. These two parts are usually presented as two juxtaposed images that have a connection that may give the reader an ‘aha’ moment. Haiku can be written as a single image haiku as well, but you still need two parts to the haiku, or a pause (cutting or kireji) after either the first or second line. Even a run on sentence can be acceptable if there is a natural pause when reading the haiku.
Here is a checklist of questions to assist with revising/editing haiku.
- Read it aloud several times.
- Can you clearly hear the two parts of the haiku – the fragment and the phrase?
- Is it written in present tense?
- Does it capture a moment in time? Is it a powerful image?
- Could any words be substituted for better ones? Every word should have an impact!
- Can others understand the haiku?
- Has rewriting the haiku in other ways been tried e.g. have you tried reversing the ‘fragment’ and ‘the phrase’?
- Have you removed unnecessary articles (‘a’ and ‘the’)? Do not remove articles just to make the haiku shorter.
- Have you removed poetic tools like intentional end rhyme, overt similes or metaphors, clichés, etc?
- Does the haiku capture the moment of inspiration? Can others get the moment of inspiration – the ‘aha’ moment?
We are looking for the ‘aha’ factor.
For more information on how to write haiku and senyru and what the editors are looking for, go to the Haiku Information section below.
Founding members of Creatrix Online Haiku Journal: Maureen Sexton, John Bird and Nicholas Barwell.
Haiku Information: Read more on our website: